Becca’s Progress


I’ve been doing the 30-day system called Nutritional Cleansing by Isagenix and I have managed to lose 35 lbs and 2 dress sizes! I have always had problems with my weight growing up. When I hit puberty that was when my metabolism changed for the worse! I was always teased and discriminated by my peers in middle school and high school for the way that I looked. I felt that my size was what my problem was with making friends and keeping them; I later learned that it was because of my lack of confidence and self-esteem. It was because of this that I wasn’t motivated enough to continue with my schooling.

Throughout the years I’ve been trying out diet pills, different healthier meal plans, and nothing seemed to do the trick for me. I was always “yo-yo-ing” when it came to weight loss. However, I did eventually have a baby almost a few years ago now, so I put on more weight since then and haven’t tried to lose anything since. It wasn’t until I saw a post on Facebook that my cousin Kate had made one day. Her results from just 28 days was enough for me. I wanted those kinds of results for myself! It almost felt like it was contagious for me because I immediately wanted to jump on board with whatever she was doing to get her weight off. I asked her what she’d been doing and how proud I was of her; and it was because of her and that moment that I live the way I do now.

This lifestyle that’s continuously helping me, has changed me for the better. I am now more active with my daughter and I feel like crying my eyes out every time I think about it. It’s hard to be able to want to do more with your child when you’re overweight and have to continuously pace yourself; so, then in turn your child isn’t getting the full time they could be getting if you were just a bit healthier and could move more than what you’re capable now.

I’m eating so much healthier now thanks to this company! I’m in-taking so many vitamins and minerals, as well as protein that I wouldn’t normally get in the food I used to eat and I’m losing weight at a healthy rate because of it. AND THE ENERGY it gives you is phenomenal!

I hope that every single one of you reading this inquires about this programs if you’re not yet educated or already conquering it. All things are possible with this company! I’ll be starting up a blog very soon to keep anyone and everyone updated on my progress and success! Please don’t hesitate to ask me questions! The more I get a day, the more I feel accomplished with my day! I know that I had A LOT of questions at the beginning! So, really, don’t be afraid. I’m always available for each and everyone of you who’s interested in bettering themselves and their lives!

I hope you’re able to jump on board with me! Considering I still have a long way to go with my weight loss, I would love for all of you to take advantage of this amazing opportunity with me so we can all do it as a team with lots of support! Let me help you start your path to a better lifestyle and a better you!

I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you!

Rebecca Diepman
